Finding Scholarships for Single Mothers
Women who are the sole supporter of their families are qualified to receive scholarships for single moms. Your age or background doesn’t factor into your eligibility. Just being a single mother who needs financial assistance to further her education qualifies you for single mother scholarships.
Scholarships for single moms are financial aid specifically designed for single mothers who wish to return to, or attend for the first time, college. It’s free money for college tuition that doesn’t have to be repaid. It can be helpful in assisting a single mother who’s interested in furthering her education for the purpose of providing a better life for her family. You already have the financial burden of supporting your family; single mother scholarships can ease the additional expense that accompanies getting a degree.
With the economy changing rapidly, adults are returning to college or career school programs in order to be marketable for better jobs. Single mothers are no exception. That’s why scholarships for single moms are excellent for single mothers who have the desire to improve themselves. It must be noted, however, that any financial aid for single mothers that doesn’t have to be repaid can face competition from others seeking it. So apply as early as possible. Start with your FAFSA application, and then find out what kind eligibility you have for Pell Grants and/or SEOG grants.
Scholarships for single moms can easily be found. The government, nonprofit organizations, private companies, and schools offer financial aid for single mothers. The federal government is the most well known source for getting money to attend school. The U.S. Department of Education has a listing of available scholarships and grants on its website, Student Aid on the Web. This money comes from schools and private organizations. In addition, the federal government also offers Pell grants and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG). Like a scholarship, these grants are excellent financial aid sources for single mothers because they don’t have to be repaid. Like a scholarship, you must apply early due to competition from others seeking this free money.
State government can also provide financial aid for single mothers. Each state has its own eligibility requirements for scholarships for single moms. Each state also differ with the application process and amount awarded. Therefore it’s best to contact your state’s Higher Education Agency to find out more information for the school(s) you wish to attend.
Colleges and universities are also a good source for finding grants and single mother scholarships. Nonprofit organizations, particularly those that focus on issues involving women, should be considered too when looking for financial aid.
Additionally, private companies that place value on a good education offer grants and single mother scholarships who are seeking higher education despite being cash strapped. So don’t neglect to search companies that are known to positively support education as a cause worthy of financial contribution.
To find more information on scholarships for single moms, search the internet. Countless online information is available concerning scholarships for single moms, including the legitimate sources that offer it.
Scholarships for single moms are readily available. You must be willing to pursue this free money. For the sake of a better life for your family, it’s an effort worth pursuing.